Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hello 2006!


Wishes to everyone to have a wonderful 2006! :)

I'm at home. I know, I'm boring but I'm one of those people who like to avoid crowds and I would rather spend my New Year Eve and New Year peacefully and not be trapped in between some sweaty and smelly bodies :)

Anyway, my New Year resolution is.....hmm....acutally I don't make resolutions coz I always end up not fulfilling them. So let's just say that this year (2006), I plan to take more care of myself. Coz in 2005, I really negleted myself and pushed myself too hard. So this year, I'm gonna be more conscious of myself and my needs. In other words, I'm gonna a bit more a good way la..... :)

I'm very tired now. Had a very very busy day as we has a small gathering at my place. Had to wake up super early to follow my mum to the market. And I spend the entire day in and out of the kitchen. So I'm gonna hit the sack now and try to wake up early tomorrow.

Before I sleep, here's my prayer for 2006:

I would just like to have a simple but happy and peaceful year. I wish make no enemies and would like to improve my relations with my existing family and friends. May the world have a better year and may there be less hungry people! :)

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