Monday, June 04, 2007

Swinging Bacherlorette....

I really wish people who stop bugging me about being 25 and single. They seem to be more sad about it than me.

Thanks for their concern about not wanting me to die with a dried-up vagina with cobwebs growing it in but I’m least bothered about that.

I can’t just marry any Tom, Dick or Harry picked up off the street and nor can I get married when I’m not ready.

First, I’m slowly losing the trust in the constitution called marriage. Have seen enough broken marriages to vouch for it.

Second, Trusting someone new is very very VERY difficult now. Kumar’s episode made things difficult, the short stint I had with ‘K’ worsen things and now the last thing I wanna do is trust another dick.

Third, I can never just settle down with someone just because it’s time. I can only marry someone coz I want to, not becoz I can. There’s a BIG difference in between ‘want’ and ‘can’. Marriage is a big step and I don’t want to regret any decision I make related to it and ruin my life and the other party’s. Getting a divorce is MUCH MORE expensive than getting married.

Fourth, looking at how my mum has been behaving, I don’t think anyone would wanna have her for a mother-in-law, not even me. Seriously, I think she’s losing it. Either that or she’s just plain incorrigible. No further comments….

Fifth, I’m fed up with the whole dating and getting to know a guy thingy. Its like starting from scratch and I don’t have the time nor the energy for that. I’m pretty happy with what I have now and I’m not really bothered to re-adjust my schedules. Dating and men aren’t on my list of priorities anymore.

Yes, I do feel the pain at times when I see how happy some couples are but I have more reasons to make me not want to get married than the reasons I have to make me want to get married. Sad? I say nope! :)

And I better not hear the term “You are too choosy.” again….its turns me murderous……

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